Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The aftermath through emails. Part 4

Ok....here is where we see how much intelligence, integrity, honesty and character the Athlean X staff really lacks.  I dare to say they have zero amount of any of the mentioned qualities in my particular situation and if it's in my situation then logic dictates they would lack those qualities in other situations also.  As I mentioned before, Athlean X insinuated they would sue me if I gave them a bad review so I kindly informed them that I have saved all the posts from facebook and all the emails as proof they are nothing but intimidating, harassing liars. (the people's names are edited to just their initials)

Here is my email AFTER all the commotion from facebook.
On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 12:02 PM, rodney lancaster  wrote:

I think it was total bullshit that you guys put a muzzle on me in regards to J. V.  (name edited) As I pointed out, this jerk issued a direct and arrogant challenge in R. H.'s post in capital letters (name edited).  I took up his challenge and then he simply ignored me and didn't answer any of the simple questions that I posed to him.  Apparently his picture is up on your "proof" page for athlean X and that obviously gives him some kind of knowledge that he didn't have prior to losing a few pounds.  The kid is an arrogant, braggadocios moron who tries to pass off erroneous information as fact.  I called him out on it and got muzzled.

I have actually been very tame on your youtube channel as well as your facebook page.  LOLOL yes...believe it or not.  Stupidity and laziness urks me to no end and when I see it I go nutts some times.  I am aware that I may come across as a know it all, but that is probably because of 2 reasons:
1.  No one else is contributing anything of any real value
2.  I contradict typical myths which most people  start to post sooner or later.

I totally understand you can't have a perceived "jerk" on your boards cause it will scare away others who may want to buy your products.  I get that.  I really do.  It kind of aggravates me that while I think you are many times better than beachbody and tony horton as far as being approachable, for the life of me I don't understand why you would not correct many of the silly myths and just plain stupid information some people put on your boards.  When I try to, you muzzle me.  Jason put a virtual "block" on his shoulder, looked at me and dared me to knock it off and then you say something to ME. 

But no hard feelings...honest.  I'm aggravated that you'd like me to treat grown men with kid gloves, but it's your boards and your rules.  So I'll not post any more.  You got enough on your plate without having to worry about tender hearted grown men complaining about the big meanie saying they are wrong. 

I hope you still keep me on the update list though. 

(real name edited) 126rodney.------------------------------------------------------------------
Did you catch the last part about me stating specifically that I wanted to stay on the update list?  He lies about this very fact later on.

His responses are filled with lies and half truths to which, when questioned, does NOT provide not one single shred of evidence, logic or proof to back up his outlandish lies about me as you will see.
From: TEAM ATHLEAN Support <getripped@athleanx.com>
Subject: Re: Facebook
To: "rodney lancaster"
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011, 6:07 PM

(name edited)..

We are sorry to hear your opinion on this, however...the overwhelming tone of much of your "advice" is extremely bitter and
negative.  I'm not sure what the motive is behind that, but it is what it is.  You mentioned that people are calling YOU out
and in review we never saw one instance where anybody was calling YOU out personally PRIOR to you calling them or 
someone else out first.  You also got on those that didn't reply to your answers but you likewise did not respond to someone
who asked to see your results.  As opinionated as you are (and that's fine to be so) you do unfortunately have to back up 
what you claim and be willing to show you practice what you preach if you want to be taken seriously.  

That said, the main point here is that even if people are incorrect in their points or ask what you deem to be "stupid" questions...
they are at least not attacking people in doing so.  The board welcomes positivity and wishes not to have negative bashing 
going on.  As we said, your thoughts are not offensive....it's the way in which you deliver them.  If anyone else on the board 
decides to do the same....we will act the same way towards them as well.  

We wish you the best and part with no hard feelings.  We are simply maintaining the community of the board.

Best in health,

The AthLEAN "X" Squad
Might I just mention here that The Athlean X Squad (LOLOLOLOL cute name for supposedly grown men) are the biggest liars I have ever come across.  For what reason?  None that I can see other than the fact that this particular person knows absolutely nothing about fitness other than what he hears Jeff say.

1.  As I pointed out about my posts on facebook....not 1, not ONE post was in any kind of negative tone other than when I was defending myself after being attacked by twiddle dee and twiddle dumb on 3 different occasions.  So where is this "negative tone" on much of my "advice"?  He provides NO proof when asked.

2.  They never saw anyone calling me out?  Not only are they liars, they are also blind I guess.

3. I called them out first?  Again....nothing but a liar and a blind one at that. 

4.  NO ONE asked to see my results.  Jake is a liar, blind nor can he read or comprehends what he reads, obviously.

5.  What "I" deem to be stupid questions?  This goes back to my original blog article I wrote for them and you seen their response to that.  They specifically said I was "spot on", so NOW it's ONLY what I deem to be stupid questions whereas earlier they thought the exact same thing.  See how he likes to manipulate the facts to fit his lies?   

6.  Yes, other people DID in fact attack me by calling me out, issuing a challenge in bold capital letters and then continue to taunt me while not directly answering me.

Jake is lying his ass off to a paying customer for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Here is my response:  This one is long, so sit back and watch this "professional on the Athlean X Squad" avoid any and all questions and requests for proof.  He can't provide any because he is a liar.

You are grossly incorrect in your assumptions...I don't want to call you a liar, but it's definitely not true as to a few of your points I'll address.  You are entitled to your opinion, but...I'll try my best to be brief cause I know I can get wordy...I would assume your at least man enough to give me the courtesy of pointing out the people and posts when I'm finished.  I went through your email and I addressed your points one by one.

1.  Please, by all means...tell me which posts (which you classified as "much advice" on facebook) is extremely bitter and negative?  If "much" of my advice is this way then you shouldn't have any problems listing the posts (I can look them up) outside of the dealings I had with V. and H.  I've looked at EVERY single post I made on your facebook page and the only time I was argumentative was with these two morons.  So kindly direct me to the other so-called negative and bitter posts I made on facebook. 

2.  Your review of finding no one calling me out is lacking in any in-depth analysis or comprehension...which is to say you either didn't read thoroughly enough or you did not see the posts to begin with.  For you not to see these instances and can not see how I could possibly even be misinterpreting them as someone calling me out is...well, amazing in and of itself.  Allow me to show you----I responded to the following people's posts on the following dates.  Count them...4, FOUR posts helping people without incident or bitterness and negativity.
McC. on 10th, S. on 13th, Van W. on 18th and then J. L. on the 18th also.
These were PRIOR to J. H. "calling me out" in my opinion.  With him saying (and I quote) "Rodney...you seem to always have a lot to say here but yet you seem to be hiding behind your lack there-of a profile picture, why is that?"
I ALWAYS have a lot to say?  I just responded to 4 posts! I'm "hiding" behind a photo-less profile?  HIDING?! WTF???  To me, this is calling me out and what's more, for no good reason other than me helping other people prior to this WITHOUT BITTERNESS AND NEGATIVITY mind you.  And you don't see how I could misinterpret this as him calling me out?  Wow...amazing!  You need a lesson in logic my friend.  Even if you disagree, any reasonable person can see another's point of view.

3.  I don't know what YOU call someone who doesn't tell the truth, but I DID answer H.'s question about my profile picture!  And if you bother to re-read it before passing any further judgment you will plainly see that he did NOT ask to see my picture.  He asked why I did not have one up...more specifically why I was "hiding behind a lack there of a profile picture".  Did he not?  And did I not answer his question about that?  Here is my direct quote----"to answer your question---the reason I don't have a profile picture is because of two reasons--
1.  I'm a private person and it's unnecessary.
2.  I'm in the middle of getting myself in shape and taking into consideration that most people (I'm assuming you're one of them ) would discount my sound, logical and verifiable information because I do not look like Jeff at the moment....."

So you have his question and my answer...how is THIS not answering someone's question that you claim I didn't do?  Or am I THE ONE lying here? I always answer each and every question directed at me.  That's what men do...at least in my family.  However, you will see that J. did NOT (along with V.) answer ANY of my questions by claiming it took to long to read.  (perhaps 20 seconds).  However, my question was at the beginning of my post, so that's no excuse...he just wimped out.  He's a loud mouth, plain and simple and I can't defend myself?  Are you serious?  I don't see you and Jeff jumping in when these idiots start arguments but you don't mind publicly reprimanding me for defending myself.  If someone spits in my face I'm not going to be polite.

4.  You said..."  As opinionated as you are (and that's fine to be so) you do unfortunately have to back up what you claim and be willing to show you practice what you preach if you want to be taken seriously."   When someone asks me to back up any information or advice I give them then I will gladly do so.  To date, no one has asked for any book names, links, research or websites.  Not one person.  As for me being willing to "show what I practice" I can only assume you mean me posting a picture as a way of proving my information is correct.  Yes?  Even after I publicly announced that I fell off the wagon and gained about 30 lbs and have been back at it for 3 weeks.  Sure, if you really want to see a picture I will gladly send you one.  Hell, I'll send you the front, side and back views I took before I fell off the wagon.  I made good progress too.  You can't post them or use them in any way though, but if it's your way of trying to put me in my place...I will send them to you.  BUT....your assumption is 100% pure bullshit and here's why (before you get offended)---If you wanted to know how to box, good...who would you go to?  A boxer or a trainer?  The trainer's I've seen are broke down...but the names of Tyson, Ali and Pacquiao come to mind.  They had/have GREAT trainers who did NOT box when they were training these guys.  They were broke down actually, so you are to discredit their advice?  According to H. and your logic these trainers should be boxing to be given any credibility.  Like I told the moron H.....if I don't smoke and tell people smoking will kill them, does my advice not mean anything simply because I do not smoke and I'm not on the verge of death?  According to you and the moron's logic my advice wouldn't mean anything.  I even told him if there was any advice I was given out that he disagreed with to simply point it out and dispute it.  He did nothing.  This lead me to KNOW that he was just trying to start a fight for no reason.

5.  Now on to the King of the dip-shits.  J. V..  You can simply read R. H.'s post on the 20th and you will see I posted FIRST and then you'll see V.'s response with a challenge at the end in capital letters "I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO DEBATE ME ON THIS".  This is him talking about eating a whole pizza while trying to reach your fitness goals.  NO ONE advocates this.  I took his challenge and yes, he did not even have the decency to answer my question about what book, person or website he got his logic from.  Was that not a logical question?  I did NOT prior to him making this arrogant statement say one solitary word to him.  He made this statement and then had the nerve to issue a challenge!  I took him up on it, how is this ME calling HIM out?  Him not answering me after being such a jerk pissed me off, but I blew it off.  I was then trying to answer C. S.'s questions on the 21st.  Again...this moron was mouthing off AFTER I posted about Cardio being garbage.  Again...I asked him a few questions and despite what you think, it was not filled with bitterness or negativity---he made some stupid remarks in an arrogant and bragging way and I simply asked him a few questions--to which he did NOT answer.  Hell, he couldn't even direct his remarks towards me afterwards.  THAT'S when I took it as a sign of disrespect and that's when I called him arrogant and braggadocios. After reading his remarks in both posts you are really going to say he's not?  really?

6.  Who are these so-called people that I called out first?  You said that I called THEM out first.  Who are they and to what posts are you referring to.  Just give me the name and date and I can look them up myself because frankly...it's just not true even in the slightest sense of the word.  If me asking someone for a book, link or person that's said it's ok to eat a whole pizza while trying to get into shape or that H.I.I.T. is crap, then you got me.  I'm the trouble maker.  But taking into account and putting into context his crappy, arrogant attitude for no reason then it's more than warranted to ask him a few questions about his information.  So who, besides these two jerks...V. and H. did I pop off to?  In each...EACH, of those instances I posted FIRST and then they posted afterwards and being as good in psychology as I am, these guys were challenging me plain and simple.

The only two people you said I attacked (which is a strong word considering they aren't pre-school kids) were V.and H. and these two I percieved as trying to start an argument.  Because I do not HIDE behind a photo-less profile, H.I.I.T. is NOT garbage (which is a proven fact) and no, it's not ok to eat a whole pizza when trying to reach your fitness goals and you surely wouldn't be dumb enough to issue a challenge about it!

NOW I am parting with hard feelings.  Because first...not only did you or Jeff ( I don't know which one) give credibility to that idiot V., you also discredited me (indirectly) in the process by getting on ME in public for simply defending myself instead of showing a little class and tact by at least giving me the courtesy of an email.  Secondly....you now send me an email with accusations that are simply untrue.  To your credit you at least sent me a response, even if it was an untrue one.  If you take the time to actually read the posts you'll see that you are incorrect in the sequence of events because frankly....you make it appear that I'm a raging lunatic calling everyone stupid and starting total chaos on your site.  2, count them...two individuals who are by the way in those instances NOT there to share ideas or to be positive.  After reading the posts in question I don't see how anyone can remotely assume that about them.  2 people I've just had an issue with after them issuing challenges to me. 

You will also notice I have stopped answering the stupid questions on youtube, so unless you want to bring up a couple of months ago...I don't know where you are coming up with this bitter and negative tone that I have on the public board.  So where is all these negative and bitter posts at exactly.  Please point them out to me, cause someone must have deleted them.

You've made some big and harsh accusations against me, I hope you will do the right thing and answer my questions that I have plainly laid out.    I don't mind being called a liar IF I have lied, but calling me one when you haven't done your homework is a whole different story. 

I look forward to you answering my questions.

Needless to say the Athlean X squad didn't have a response, nor did they offer any proof for their baseless accusations against me.  However, J. V. did decide to send me to facebook messages provoking me further like the coward that he is.  He did this after I publicly said I would not offer any more advice on the athlean x facebook page.


5:44am Apr 24th
Subject: AthleanX
So..your retaliation.

(and this one....)
5:54am Apr 24th
I hope this helps out. I feel sorry for you really. I hope I can help you at some point.


When I was a kid, we called cowards like this "little punks".  To bad J. didn't have the balls to address me on the facebook page when he had the chance when he was spreading his false information.
"Jake or Jeff,

Now I'm being harassed and provoked by the poor ol' victim you rescued...J. V.and I've not said a frigging word to him since I decided to stop posting!  What was this B.S. about maintaining the community and keeping shit positive?  What is this B.S. about the mean ol' rodney lancaster starting trouble on the peaceful Athlean X boards?  See...I told you it was bullshit the other day!  Here's the two private messages he sent me last night and no...I haven't responded yet.  I figured you just might be MAN enough to do the right thing and PUBLICLY reprimand him like you did my ass on your damn board yesterday or does that shit just go for me?
And if that isn't enough he had to further taunt me on the board with this-----
"Hey guys, a quote from one of my idols John Wooden.

"Be more concerned with your  character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are,  while your reputation is merely what others think you are."

Are you going to tell me that THIS is all my in head also?  I TOLD YOU he was calling me out the other day, but you wouldn't listen!  This is plainly directed at me in light of the NOT ONE...BUT TWO private messages the little f-er sent me.  So...out of respect for the facebook page I haven't responded.  I would like for you to put a stop to this harassment IMMEDIATELY and TODAY!  Or this will get very ugly, very quickly....  

Why am I soo pissed?  First, like I said before---I was publicly reprimanded for NOTHING but defending myself.  I was publicly discredited while this moron was given credibility, I was sent an email...by you...basically calling me a liar and saying this is basically all in my head and that I'M the one who is the asshole in this whole situation and now...due to your incompetence and  total lack of class, tact or fairness in handling this situation I am getting specifically harassed in private by this jerk-off AS WELL AS PUBLICLY when I'm not even posting any more!  How the hell is ANY OF THIS FAIR?  Do you REALLY want me to respond on your board to this jerk-off?  Do I need to take this in an irrational direction?

Look...I've already said I wouldn't not post anymore due to your unfairness ...what the "F" else do you want?  But I'll be damned if I'm going to stand by and let this shit happen for no reason.  You need to deal with this in the same bullshit manner you dealt with me.  Now this little asshole THINKS what he says is credible AND he's got super hero Jeff to come to the rescue to save his ass!  This is totally unprofessional, unethical and I will tell you right now...what's fair is fair and IT WILL stop or I will definitely do something about it!  Or do I NOT have a right to stop being harassed?  I guess I'm an asshole for THAT also...huh?

I have every right to be angry with how this situation was handled and how it's turning out now.  This is why many boards have moderators or at least people who know how to properly moderate their boards.  I should know...I was a moderator.

Oh....I've also copied the on board exchanges in case I might need them in the future for anything.

I expect a response about this matter and what you specifically intend to do about it. "
They basically did nothing about this.

The staff and I exchange emails, the staff further makes lying accusations against me but isn't man enough nor smart enough to back them up by actual quotes, links or facts when asked.   I have ALL the other emails if anyone is interested to read them.
However, I would like to post the last exchange between the staff and myself.  I tell them I will post my review of my experience with them and you will see that they plainly try to intimidate and harass me.
This was after I requested they fulfill their obligation's to me by giving me the updates OR give me a refund.  they chose to give me a refund instead of honoring their word.  Here is the emails:
On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 12:03 PM, rodney lancaster  wrote:
It's about time you guys got something right in way of customer relations.  You screwed it up good enough trying to "one up" a customer in this situation.

I trust YOU'll understand when I do my best to get my review of my personal experience about your company and to warn others against purchasing your products and disagreeing with your baseless opinions and lies about them out on the internet as much as possible, with provided proof of course.

Best regards,

---------------------- His response was-----
We trust you'll understand that we keep all libel threats on record with our legal division (name edited).  This one is being forwarded
to our attorneys...thank you.  We are just pleased to be rid of your bitter negativity towards others actually trying to accomplish 
their fitness goals.

Best Regards,

Apparently Jake has no idea what the term "Liable" means when he goes spouting off at the mouth again.
Here is my last response to his lame attempt at intimidation and harassment against me.
"By all means.....forward ALL the emails between us to any attorney you wish.  I am well within my rights, as a consumer, to post about my factual experience on any forum or medium I wish.  I also have proof of you lying and then harassing me in the emails that you will be forwarding to your attorney. You can also ask him about the harassing and intimidating email you just sent me trying to force me to NOT give athlean x a factual review based on my personal experience. 

Since you cannot refrain from harassment or intimidtion tactics...and it is clear you are not mature enough to resolve this conflict like mature adults like i've tried to do in the past with my questions posed to you then I herby ask you to NOT contact me again.  You can do so through your attorney if you wish, but I am a 42 year old man and not easily intimidated.

If Jeff himself wishes to make one final resolution to this matter then I am willing to talk.  Otherwise I will consider other attempts at communication  as intimidation harassment by athlean x.

I trust you understand.

Best regards"


They did issue me a refund, well past the refund window because they did not want to fulfill the terms of their obligation to me.  When I bought the program it was "free updates for life".  So, instead of keeping their word and integrity they opted to issue me a refund...ONLY after I asked.  They had no intention on issuing me one even though they weren't fulfilling their terms.

I HIGHLY encourage anyone thinking of buying this system to give it a second thought and decide if you want to encourage this type of behavior from a supposedly "professional" company by supporting them.  The only way companies will listen to its customers/consumers is if it directly effects their bottom line profits.  As I said before....there are much cheaper and in my opinion---infinitely better options available to you.  Namely...burn the fat, feed the muscle and x-reps.com