I'm not knocking anyone for wanting to learn, but the truth be known....there is hardly anyone on the athlean X facebook page that actually knows what they are talking about. They have 1 or 2 in particular who thinks they do and the funny part is...you have people actually listening to these people. So, you have someone who doesn't know anything telling another person who doesn't know anything and now they BOTH don't know anything but wrong information. What you have is a vicious (and comical) cycle of people who are too lazy to look anything up on the internet, read or research anything coming up with ideas out of thin air and passing these idiotic pseudo-facts along to other lazy people who don't verify anything. If you want to learn anything, do NOT ask the athlean X "army". As supportive and well meaning as they are, they simply do not know enough. If you are looking for a cheering section, even if you didn't do anything then they are your group of people. They will gladly give you a gold star just for posting your name! LOLOLOL.
If you go to the Athlean-X facebook page you will find on these dates that I helped the following people: (the names have been edited. I just have their initials.) You can go to the actual Athlean-X facebook page to see it in it's entirety.
On April 10th, you will find that I helped D. M.
On April 13th I helped W. S.
On April 17th I helped F. V. W.
On April 18th J. L.
Then you will find on this date that some arrogant jerk (J. H.) called me out and accused me of hiding behind a blank profile picture. For what? He hasn't helped a single person, hasn't disputed a single piece of advice or fact I gave out but yet chose to start shit with me. It should be noted that up until this point I had not been funny, sarcastic or anything that could be misconstrued as mean spirited. My posts are on the Athlean X facebook page for all to read for themselves and I've also copied the entries just in case they "mysteriously disappear" for what ever reason later on. Here is his exact quote---
J. H.---Rodney... you seem to always have a lot to say here but yet you seem to be hiding behind your lack there-of a profile picture, why is that?
That would piss anyone off. Here I am helping people with good and accurate information and this jerk-off chimes in trying to start shit. So I addressed it and like the punk ass he is, he went away without answering a single question.
April 20th I helped A. A.
Again, on April 20th I helped R.H. and here's where it gets good.
The resident dumbass, F.J.V. chimed in, about the cheat meal question R. H. had asked and after my response. Here is the dumb ass's question and challange-----
Hey Randall, if you don't want to have a cheat meal then don't. However, if you did....if your NUTRITION is spot on, for example, you eat 5 to 6 times a day. That's 35 to 42 meals a week of good food, your body wouldn't even feel a cheat m...eal. It could be a whole pizza if you wanted. YES, A WHOLE PIZZA, and your body wouldn't even feel it. It might feel uncomfortable the next day, but your body is smart enough to process that. I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO DEBATE ME ON THIS! Best in health Randall, Jason.
Ok....here is a complete arrogant moron who thinks he knows something when he doesn't. If that isn't bad enough he issued a challenge in bold, capital letters. Pretty damn obvious to me that he was full of himself and wanting to debate "anyone" on his stupid facts that he posted. It was obvious to me that his arrogance and "challenge" was in response to my post, so I obliged him and like the person he is, he didn't answer. Keep in mind that during all of these posts with this person and J. H. before there wasn't so much as a peep out of the Athlean x peanut gallery.
Here is my response to this jerk's challange that he never responded to.
"I for one would be interested in you providing the name of the book, research study or any link with credibility that backs up your opinion that you can eat a whole pizza (which will more than double your day's calories more than likely) and it be conducive to someone's fitness goal.
yes, your body can process anything...including a whole pizza (so this is no earth shattering information) but it will take more time and more of it (I'd say most of it) will be stored as body fat due to the spike in insulin and (depending on when you eat it) the fact that you have already replaced your glycogen from your other meal post workout. Not to mention that it's full of horrible stuff for your body to begin with.
Anyone can eat anything they want and their body can process it....but eating anything you want being conducive to someone's fitness goals is a whole other matter and I'm very curious as to where you read or heard from a fitness professional that it is acceptable to take in over 2000 calories above and beyond what you would normally take in for that day and it still be beneficial for your fitness goals. So please provide the link to the study, the name of the book or website so I can see what it has to say because frankly....this sounds like a load of crap."
And like all big mouth cowards who talk shit and then run, he did not respond directly to me, but to the owner of the original question. His cowardly response was:
"Hey Randall, I wouldn't worry about it. The program is worth it's weight. You can see my progress on the AthleanX website, under, "Need Proof""
In response to that I simply posted "be careful of who you listen to and what advice you heed."
On April 22nd I helped B.W.
On April 21 I helped J.L under C.W.'s post.
here's where it came to a head....
On April 21st under C.S.'s thread he was asking about conditioning and cardio. ANYONE with any sense knows that when on a lean or ripping phase you increase your cardio to increase your caloric deficit. Studies have shown that it burns a greater percentage of body fat than higher intensity, while H.I.I.T. burns a substantial more calories than low/medium intensity cardio.
Here is the resident moron's response and try not to laugh when you read it.
"Hey Charlie, after reading all of these suggestions they are great. My background in training hasn't been from the other programs, but from Arnold's Encyclopedia, YEARS AGO. My re-intro to training now, has been AX only. From my experience..., Jeff has designed this program a certain way to PREVENT us from over-training. I know it seems like you're cheating yourself when you do CONDITIONING for only 20 min. or so. However, it is Jeff's design that it is CONDITIONING, and NOT cardio. Cardio, (on a treadmill, or doing high intensity movement for an hour), is GARBAGE. So when you feel like, "my workout didn't feel like I did to much." That is what brought you to AX in the first place. In great shape without spending endless hours in the gym. Best of luck,"
Notice all the capital letters to emphasize what a moron he is. This again....I felt was in direct response to my post because it contradicts everything I've said. Keep in mind, that this person has absolutely NO links, research studies, information or anything to back up anything he says. It's basically bull shit and he was probably still reeling from me taking up his last challenge he publicly issued.
Here is my response---
When does "conditioning" become "cardio"? AFTER 20 minutes? 30? 45? Or is it the moves that make it conditioning and not cardio? Are you counting the warm up and cool down in the mix or do those not count?
While I appreciate your enthusiasm for Jeff and AX, you seem to be putting your foot in your mouth by calling cardio "garbage". I too have respect for Jeff and I've also got AX and AX talks about running the straight aways and walking the curves on a track. Does it not?...and just why would any normal person do this when it's freezing out...or how bout when it's raining? I mean...from your post it sounds like you disagree with anyone deviating from the program and when they do you call it "garbage".
As far as your definition of conditioning....week 1 talks about "all out sprints followed by jogging", week 2 -- the crunches and punches circuit, week 3--the 2nd conditioning workout, week 4-- is jumping rope and then in the other weeks he has burpees with box jumps in a circuit among other things. This doesn't sound like cardio to you????
Take out the warm up and cool down from many of the Insanity intervals and you have about 35 minutes, the shorter ones are about 20 minutes. Interval X from p90x + is maybe 35....so please tell me where you are getting an hour worth of "Garbage" from? Who said anything about an hour?
True, every body's body is different and 2 whole sessions of cardio may be too much. I doubt it...but it could.
I admire your enthusiasm, but I don't see the logic in your opinion."
When does "conditioning" become "cardio"? AFTER 20 minutes? 30? 45? Or is it the moves that make it conditioning and not cardio? Are you counting the warm up and cool down in the mix or do those not count?
While I appreciate your enthusiasm for Jeff and AX, you seem to be putting your foot in your mouth by calling cardio "garbage". I too have respect for Jeff and I've also got AX and AX talks about running the straight aways and walking the curves on a track. Does it not?...and just why would any normal person do this when it's freezing out...or how bout when it's raining? I mean...from your post it sounds like you disagree with anyone deviating from the program and when they do you call it "garbage".
As far as your definition of conditioning....week 1 talks about "all out sprints followed by jogging", week 2 -- the crunches and punches circuit, week 3--the 2nd conditioning workout, week 4-- is jumping rope and then in the other weeks he has burpees with box jumps in a circuit among other things. This doesn't sound like cardio to you????
Take out the warm up and cool down from many of the Insanity intervals and you have about 35 minutes, the shorter ones are about 20 minutes. Interval X from p90x + is maybe 35....so please tell me where you are getting an hour worth of "Garbage" from? Who said anything about an hour?
True, every body's body is different and 2 whole sessions of cardio may be too much. I doubt it...but it could.
I admire your enthusiasm, but I don't see the logic in your opinion."
The owner of the thread started defending this poor ol' idiot. can you believe that shit? Any way, the resident dumbass's response was....
He didn't address me, never does....and there he goes bragging for some reason about his "proof". His body looks like shit, why is he bragging? My body isn't great right now, so I'm not making it a point to brag about it yet.
So now it's Mr. X, Jeff to the rescue. I've been attacked 3 times, unprovoked mind you....and all I did was defend my self and then Jeff chimes in on the board instead of in a private message or something.
"Rodney....allow me to step in here man. I know you've got a self admitted temper, and your enthusiasm cannot be denied...but c'mon, the goal of everyone on this page is to improve, learn and get ATHLEAN! Let's keep it positive and limit t...he personal attacks to ZERO. If you feel you can contribute solid helpful advice without the jabs...by all means, please do. Believe me...being from the NYC area...I can appreciate the passion and fire. But let's keep it directed positively. Cool?"
I have a self admitted temper? Jeff....show me where I said I have a temper please. I don't believe I ever said I have a temper. Defending myself or highlighting a trolls's questions is not the same as having a temper.
here is my response---
"F.V. issued an arrogant challenge on R. H.'s post below and then refuses to answer. I simply took him up on his challenge. Is there any other way to see his personality? With that said...if you look closer I am trying to correct some misguided information that is given out on your board and on your youtube channel. Not to many people are doing that. If someone gets his feelings hurt because he is a jerk...then he needs to stop being a jerk. I could be wrong in my logic though.
I totally understand your view point. It's your board, your rules. It appears that most actually like the myths and erroneous information given out by others who think they know more than what they actually do anyway.
I call a spade a spade, especially when i feel like I've been disrespected (as in being ignored) or taking up someone's challenge when they basically throw it in my face.
Since it is not "cool" with me to mollycoddle grown adults I'll graciously refrain from any and all opinions and advice in the future on here and your youtube channel."
Ok.....It's important to note that I said I would refrain from giving my opinions on his facebook page and on his youtube channel in the future. If anyone one sees anything...ANYTHING else please point it out. Did I say I wanted the updates to the program that I paid for stopped? Does anyone see where I wrote that? This piece of information will come in handy when the lying staff makes up more shit that I said and did...as you will see later on.
Ok.....up to this point I was helping people with credible information and correcting some myths, incorrect and sometimes stupid information that was given out. Apparently most members are happy being taught by morons, so I leave them to it now. If they are too lazy and too stupid to double check the information they are getting....so be it.
Also, we seen where I was attacked 3 times unprovoked by a couple of jerks who then refused to act like men after I responded to them. Then we seen Jeff do the same thing. Post something and then run away like a coward instead of answering me.
Now for the cherry on top....After I publicly announced to basically kiss my ass, Mr. F.J.V. cowardly sends me not one, but 2 emails further provoking me and even posting a taunt on the facebook page....
"hey guys....a quote from one of my idols John Wooden. "Be more concerned with your character than your reputation because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what people think you are." Train hard guys. Jason"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but would anyone BUT a coward back down from his own challenge he issued? Would anyone BUT a coward runway from someone questioning his rebuttal? Would anyone BUT a coward purposely taunt someone in an email AFTER they said they would not publicly post any more? Would anyone BUT a coward CONTINUE to taunt someone on the public board who isn't there to defend himself?
Well Mr. V....from what I've seen, your character is being a coward. Only a coward would do the things you've done.
Now in part 4....the ending....we see what goes on behind the scenes in the private email exchanges between me and the staff. If you are a conscientious consumer you should read it and then give serious consideration to doing business with a company that has those kinds of moral, character and integrity...I should say, the lack of....