Monday, July 18, 2011

Back ground. Part 2.

As you know, Athlean X has a youtube channel.  As with just about any youtube channel, topic forum, chat room get a variety of people.  Some are legitimate posters, some are just plain idiots, some are there just as a joke, some are "planted" there by the owner to show some activity, and others are called "trolls".  These are people who appear to be legitimate, but are in fact posting just to cause trouble, to spur idiotic debate and just to get a rise out of people.

With that in mind....I'm sure some of you more experienced fitness enthusiasts have seen these idiots post questions such as...."will drinking on the weekends hurt my weekly workouts?", "I just tore my rotator cuff but I still want to workout, how can I do this?", "will you please send me a diet program to lose weight?" and other such moronic posts that MUST be posted by someone who is about 13 years old or a complete imbecile.   Well, given my sarcastic sense of humor I have made some comical comments from time to time to such idiots.  No big deal.  Nothing vicious, but just as silly as the question asked.

Fast forward a few months.....The Athlean-X blog sent out emails asking if anyone wanted to help write for the blog.  That was a good thing, because doesn't stay updated and most of the topics are very elementary, bland and boring.  So I sent in 2 that they didn't use.  One on the subject of a better way to prepare oatmeal to get the most out of it you can and another that was sarcastically comical aimed at the idiots who make stupid posts on the Athlean X youtube channel.  The staff's response to my article is important because it will show in part what kind of people Athlean X has on it's staff and how they like to manipulate things.  If Jeff's name is on the product....ANYONE who Jeff employs to represent him or his product is the same as Jeff saying and doing it in my opinion. While I can't fault a person with horrendous customer service skills, I can fault the genius who hired him and still keeps him employed.  If he hasn't shown good judgment in that area, I'm not buying anything else from him because I can't trust the other things he's shown bad judgment on and I'm not about to take a chance.   Especially since there are numerous programs out there that do the same thing, some better...some worse, for less money AND with better customer service. is my article I submitted....I'd like to point out that the quotes I used were ACTUAL questions.

Do you REALLY need an answer to that question?

Being a conscientious observer of the AthleanX youtube channel I must give Mr. X himself, Jeff Cavaliere, his due respect.  You see, being as high strung as I am I would have already had a heart attack, nervous breakdown and possible brain hemorrhage from some of the questions asked by people on his youtube channel.  I’m not talking about innocent questions such as…..”how often should I work out?” or “ am I doing too much cardio?”.  No, what I’m referring to are those questions that make us, mature adults, scratch our heads and ask, “Why are they allowed to be unsupervised?  Surely they are a danger to themselves as well as others with questions like these.”    
I’m not a mean person by nature nor am I an impatient man when it comes to someone learning something, but come on…..some of these questions make me question whether or not some of the posters are not entirely under the influence of some late night cult that roams the internet looking for comment sections to wreck havoc on out of sheer boredom.  Perhaps it is a counter initiative by the competing exercise companies to sabotage Mr. Cavaliere’s efforts to bring to the masses an exercise regime designed to not only be effective, but to be effective in a shorter and more efficient amount of time by clogging up his comment section with mind numbing questions of such magnitude that is almost constipates me when I read them.   
Bear with me if you will and see how someone may be pushed to the edge after reading some of these questions.   You come to a youtube channel and you see someone offering to the public something of value, something they’ve worked tirelessly on to be one of the top products in the business.  They offer a great product at a great price, it’s their livelihood.  Their website and youtube channel is dedicated to making people healthier, stronger and more agile in the shortest amount of time and effort.  In the midst of all of these facts you have people asking:
“how much is too much with college drinking?”
“I heard that doing dumb bell presses will not help you with bar bell presses”
“I’m looking to gain weight first before buying your package, what can I do to build weight?”
“could you tell me how to build and define please?”
“drinking is a part of my weekends and I was wondering what steps I needed to prepare for and after a night of drinking?”
“what changes should I make to my workout to get ripped instead of big?”
“is it possible to lose muscle without eating less, cause I have huge chest muscles?”
“can you please upload a shin workout?”
“I was wondering what weights I should use and what routine I should do if you don’t mind helping me.”
“What do you think about…(a competitor’s product)?”
Along with the numerous…”could you do….” this and “could you do….” that when they haven’t even bought the program.
These are just some of the ridiculous questions I have been coming across.  These are what is about to make my head, literally, explode.  Even reliving the experience makes me want to go lie down for a little while.
If I may be of service to these poor unfortunate souls who so desperately need an intervention of some sort….let me save you people (with these questions) some time.  Ready?
1.       Alcohol is NOT good for you (in the context you are talking about) if you are serious about working out and developing your body.  Neither are smoking, drugs, gorging on junk food or picking your nose and eating it. 
2.      Mr. Cavaliere is a business man with a quality product he is selling and making available to the public.  How about buying it BEFORE asking for more free videos, free diet plans and OTHER competing products.
3.      If something hurts you when you do it….Ta Dahhhhhhh….Don’t do it!  No need to ask Jeff.  If I have a sharp burning pain between my shoulder blades, I don’t have to ask if I should still do it.  I’m smart enough to know to stop.
4.      Trying looking at professional models and body builders before asking about an “8 pack”.  Most do NOT have an “8 pack”.  Take a guess why?  Their bodies are not built that way.
5.      If you want a “6 pack” you need to diet.  Diet, diet, diet, diet….stop asking about the best ab exercises to do.  It’s not the muscles that need to be developed; it’s the fat that is covering them that need to go away.
6.      If you were a car salesman, would you help someone build their own car if they came to on your car lot one day and asked?  Then stop asking Mr. Cavaliere to put together a workout and diet program for you for free.  This is his business and livelihood.   
There is an old saying that says…”there are no stupid questions.”  Obviously the person who said this has never read some of the people’s questions on the AthleanX youtube channel.    If this makes me a bad person….then in the memorable words of Tony Montana, “say good night to the bad guy!” 

Here is their response I highlighted an important part, remember it for later.
Hey xxxxxx, (real name deleted)

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  We've been actively putting together ideas for the blog
and I just now have had the time to respond.

I have read your two submissions though and feel that you are an excellent writer whose
entries we will most definitely want to feature from time to time on the blog.

While we particularly liked your youtube "questions" entry because of it's sense of humor...we really
couldn't use it because we do not want to offend or alienate any of the loyal subscribers watching
Jeff's videos.  While the article was spot on....we trust you'll understand why this is the case.

What we would love however is if you could channel that writing style and humor into something
more along the lines of the "man on the street" approach.  Or more specifically...the "guy in the gym"
who happens to observe some crazy things and has a funny way of making other people relate to
them!  We feel you would be perfect in that role if you'd like to give it a try.

For the oatmeal post, it was interesting and most likely will find it's way to the blog, however
that one might have to be a bit shorter in the future if it deals with just one topic.

We want to keep the reader engaged and reading from the first word to the last and then want
to share it with someone else because it made them laugh, had some killer content that they
NEVER KNEW ABOUT or heard, or was just quick and easy to read.

Sound good?

Let me know if you've got any other questions and keep sending as you come
up with cool ideas!

Thanks and great job!

The AthLEAN "X" Squad

Ok....they LIKED my funny article and they thought it was SPOT ON.  Anyone with any intelligence will assume that "spot on" means they agree with my article and the points I made in it.  They also recognized that I was making fun of the idiots that post stupid questions.  Keep that in mind because the staff tries to manipulates and conviently FORGETS this bit of truth later on.  They also try to use this article against me in forming their outlandish version of the truth. this part we've read that I've made silly comments to the people asking stupid questions on the youtube channel. We've read that I submitted an article highlighting this fact and showing from the staff's own email that they liked it and thought it was "spot on". 

In part 3 we get to the good stuff.